- 0051: hytradboi program and tickets, query compilers, decorrelation encore, books, misc
- 0050: smolderingly fast b-trees, serious fun, what is the point of an online conference, it's ok to be afraid, HYTRADBOI progress, no other progress,, not the incentives, llm garbage, books
- 0049: hytradboi 2025, consulting, zest progress, labeled continue, bet against sql, zero-cost costs in debug, packed memory arrays, papers, books
- 0048: zest progress, zest ordering, wasm alignment, umbra papers, future of fast code, new internet, books, other stuff
- 0047: babys second wasm compiler, zig honggfuzz, values can be values, dont look UB, surely you can be serious, other links, books
- 0046: zest syntax, zest progress, sponsors-only repos, future compilers, error-handling implementations, suboperators, why we drive
- 0045: unexplanations, business things, zest progress, internal consistency repro, why murat blogs, compiler books + papers, compiling sql to wasm, other books
- 0044: zest progress, unexplanations, generic dilemma, bitc retrospective, adversarial memory safety, done list, tiny muffins, anti-anti-spam, happiness, daily rituals, other books
- 0043: 2023, debog, never sort, critique of sql, status game, more fuel you
- 0042: consulting lessons, there are no strings on me, buttondown, focus goof, jsfuck, 1ml
- 0041: columnar kernels in go, go grouches, column sketches, why user-mode threads, gross margins vs open source, celebrity worship
- 0040.1: meta in myanmar
- 0040: olap survey, lobster, feldera, innovation, wizard papers, umbra papers, olap papers
- 0039: implementing interactive languages, baby's first wasm compiler, zig 0.11, attack of the killer features, zed, attention span, psychology's loss, privatizing sovereignty
- 0038.1: consulting
- 0038: cheap compilation, mvs-to-wasm, automatically isolating bugs, mastodone, other stuff
- 0037: dynamic mutable value semantics, interior pointers, uninterning, functionless effects, papers, books
- 0036: typescript, papers, books
- 0035: back to the shack
- 0034: perf handover, compaction unchained, crash harder, sketching the query engine, focus catchup, android update policies, legopunk, a world without email, nobody cares, segcache, bloomRF, existential consistency, ssd parameters, fantastic ssd internals
- 0033: table sizing, bench harder, wasm first steps, sycl vancouver, breathing for warriors, move your dna, the molecule of more, how to decide, slouching towards utopia
- 0032: undroppable tombstones, forest fuzzer, manifest race, hash_log, zig coercions, zig pointer hops, zig object notation, domain knowledge, built from broken, database internals, papers
- 0031: 2022, systems distributed, random ids, deleting tombstones, disorderly compaction, juggling blocks, code review woes, holiday shutdown, searching for implementors, everything is copy, sharing the page cache after fysncgate, 9/10 climbers, rise and fall of peer review, real-world concurrency
- 0030: lsm perf, colorblind concurrency, tracing, evacuating preimp, reading, fixing my shoulders
- 0029: san francisco, seattle, tigerbeetle, studying, links
- 0028: HYTRADBOI jam, sqllogictest in a week, how safe is zig again, rr on alder lake, google maps jank, links
- 0027.1: hytradboi jam
- 0027: preimp, framework, dotfiles and backups, links
- 0026: break, preimp essay, focus + clojure, zed experiments, decorrelation and nested relations, bunny, sqlite mode, reading, links
- 0025: preimp, focus + mach, emergent ventures, clockwork labs, success, hytradboi ideas, zig debugging tips,, clojurescript blues, analogies for end-user programming, half-arsed workflows, javascript vs serialization, links
- 0024: HYTRADBOI postmortem, HYTWACFI?, preimp, emergent ventures, data and reality, merkle search trees, readyset, julia compilation times
- 0023: HYTRADBOI teaser, dida vs datalogui, preimp cruft, dbsp, links etc
- 0022: preimp, shape of data, hytradboi progress, office hours, in nyc, riffle, cue, technical dimensions, js compound keys, hop
- 0021: hytradboi schedule + tickets, imp v3 ideas, real world of technology, changing minds, essence of software, typed image-based programming with structure editing, fosdem 2022, introspecting async
- 0020: hytradboi, milestones, data soup, airtable, self-hosting
- 0019: Refactor
- 0018: last reflections, why start a new database conference, 2021 retrospective, imp schemaless db + crdt, office hours, internal inconsistency in the wild, rss feeds, salsa needs finite collections, tiddlywiki vs unigraph, multidimensional indexes, arrow, just don't fsync, testing distributeds systems, tigerbeetle perf demos, web3, explicit formal structure, zig doctests, rust arenas, semidirect products of crdts, single-program distributed systems, sqlite qpsg, valhalla, mundanity of excellence, to mmap or not to mmap, libgavran, relational e-matching
- 0017: hytradboi updates, imp stonks, misparaphrasing oracle, technical books, rum, creator economy, friend groups, ub, omg design principles, zig build, fossil and indexes, flatpak, skiplang, convex, fuzzing beyond testing, tigerbeetle dev videos, wafl
- 0016: dida validator and debugger, focus selector perf and async children, emotional management, speed matters, moving faster, have you tried rubbing a database on it, handmade highlights, airtable scripts, bank python, napa, pollen, against markdown, zig-snapshots, exhaustive test inputs, gf, nixos debug symbols, duckdb blog
- 0015: imp internals, reflections, precedence, make mode, mutant, q3, error recovery, tonsky ui, subtext 10, factfulness, benchmarking advice, dependency hubs, independent research, zig wayland, retool, observable dependencies, ugly buildings, without scihub, wasm virtual memory, huawei breakdown, infrastructure langauges, stencil vectors, chiX
- 0014: imp live repl + syntax + errors, focus highlighting + squigglies, dida nop, web woes, undrafting, rel, oracle encore, chidb, pinebook touchpad, toplev, use of a life, imgui accessibility, wheel reinvention jam, chibicc, files vs web silos, handwritten parsers, perf ninja
- 0013: till death do us part, minimum wage, dida free, implicit ordering in relational languages, ultralearning, responses to against sql, oracle decorrelation, gede improvements, antisponsoring, convivial design heuristics, knowledge transfer, crafting databases, rust complexity, antitrust, gelly, shakti, lumosql, anti-marketing, NAAL, ledger of harms, tonsky icfp, debugging stories
- 0012: dida wasm api + indexes + reduce, food and carbon emissions, async rust, handmade seattle, ideas matter, tools for thought and dida animations, redpanda wasm, live 2021, opportunity costs of twitter, work vs jobs, sourcehut simplicity, writing tools faster, ec2 trends, the state of academia
- 0011: dida release, DD reading, antirez and small tech, reactive ui, how to test, doom vs memory safety, state of academia, wasm-bindgen, apl compilers, and salsa.jl
- 0010: dida, live repls, query planning for streaming, rust allocators, more zig goto, database resources, guix on mac, criticising people's work, pay what you want
- 0009: 2021 Q1 roundup, updates to internal consistency, garden of forking paths, push vs pull, beca, cambria
- 0008: the last internal consistency, geoffrey litt's new newsletter, business structure vs quality, aws throttling, papoc, our machinery, on twitter, injuries
- 0007: yet more internal consistency, re: how safe is zig, async performance, local-first software, fuzzers and emulators, deterministic hardware counters, zig goto
- 0006: more internal consistency, how safe is zig, bullshit jobs, debt, utopia of rules, kevin's zig adventure, pinebook pro, trio
- 0005: internal consistency in streaming systems, MMIO in zig, a small matter of programming, rxi, martin kleppmann's new patreon, redpanda benchmarks
- 0004: map of incremental/streaming systems, draft of thoughts on benchmarking streaming systems, the mature optimization handbook, various dataflow and database talks
- 0003: optimizing correlated subqueries, digital minimalism, data-oriented design
- 0002: correlated subqueries intro, text editor data-structures, working in public, thoughts on independent research
- 0001: welcome, text editor intro + rendering