These notes are very sparse because I have been procrastinating on this forever and need to get it out the door so I can move on to other notes.
Reads as if every chapter was an independent paper - so lots of repeated content.
Built a university from scratch, free from prior mixed incentives and power structures.
- First year - list of ~100 habits, framed as trigger-action pairs
- Second/third year - choose from cohesive set of modules rather than whatever prof wants
- Fourth year - list interests, , design your own syllabus with support of advisor
- Flipped classrooms - reading beforehand, discussion/exercises in online classroom
- Teacher has tools for guiding class eg form groups of three, who has spoken least.
- Tools can be triggered from lesson plan too
- Lesson plans designed with goal of >75% engagement. Whenever one person talking, lesson plan says what all the other students should be doing.
- Teacher reviews and annotates video afterwards for grading
- No campus, use local facilities => 1/2 price of ivy league despite much more contact time
- Cohorts of dunbars number
- Live together in different world cities each year
- Various social nudges to encourage tight network rather than cliques
Feels like a dramatic improvement on traditional education, although the actual assessment of this is not strong.
If I taught, the book might be very useful, but otherwise it’s just idle interest.